Boulders (collection of poems)

Pedro Dantas
23 min readMay 2, 2020

To the girl with the upside-down eyes

Getting Nowhere Road

“The calla lillies are in bloom again, such a strange flower,

suitable to any occasion…”


So he tries to pacify her

But what’s inside her never dies

AMY WINEHOUSE — He can only hold her


Here lies Pedro Dantas

But nothing is definite


I traveled in a world that once was –

Hollywood long gone and forgotten;

And I exist in a world that never is –

The prison of the mind.


Friendships fade

Love dies

But that certain feeling…


Nameless, endless

Is that affection? Tenderness?

Or maybe even simpathy?!

Strangers’ kindness, I guess… With tea.

Wouldn’t it be nice we together?

Forever? Heaven knows, Mr. Perhaps…

No, no way whatsoever!

I should have known better…

This special feeling without a word

But with the size and colors of the world

No one could define it — although

It becomes an actual part of everything

Through the rest of your life.

Some kind of affection that touches you

More meaningfully and lastingly

Than either love or friendship — both sinking ships.

It’s difficult to say I love you

As much as saying Goodbye

Or we are ashamed to say I miss you, even Hi

However, that’s how life is like — speechless.

I like you, you like me — numb them both

The day is cool; the moon is blue

Playing among the stars, my significant You

That is all that could be. (the rest — God damn it all)

Oh Be kind always, To-Morrow Me

But please, don’t rewind with an absented mind –

Treasure the moments of your shores, high and low

And just follow the tides of your heart, slowly…

That’s what is really right. Entirely.



I’m a Queen of Spades

Playing Hearts?

Solitaire, actually.

As a matter of fact, I…



At least though, I thought, swallowing with difficulty, we have a deadline.”

An early frost on a frozen cake

That’s all that we have

That’s all that we know

Or a rotten red cherry full of thorns

That’s all that we know

That’s all that we have

We have a deadline, curve of a destiny

Detour, dead end, Apple Annie

Scarlet people — what’s the plural of cul-de-sac?

Pick me up on Side Street — under Waterloo Bridge

Over my dead body.


“I want to die”

“I want to live”

That’s the most impossible riddle

To be solved by the human being


All of a sudden, out of the blue

A patch of blue!

The most timeless and beautiful landscape

I have ever seen, asleep or awake

Like Mother Earth having an eternal rendez-vous

with Spring — so keen!

And then, I awoke


Thwart! What a pitfall!

Me a wonder-wander

Full of airy voices

Coming out from merry fairies

Wandering writer am I

Wondrous I am not.

Spring is upon us

So meet me in New Zealand

‘coz life is boring me to tears

And fears — cheers!

Moonlighting upon me

Beneath my soul

Right underneath

The skin of our teeth!

(inward sighs)


God loath you, riffraff!

Well hello, aloneness, dahling

It’s me, aloof, without whom…

(dead reckoning)


(“The want bird” — ENGLISH TRANSLATION)

Eu só queria ser pardal

[I just wanted to be a sparrow]

Um lindo pardalzinho

[A beautiful little sparrow]

Mas minhas asas são âncoras

[But my wings are anchors]

E a gravidade é do mal

[And gravity is mean]

Assim foi o inverno

[So was the winter]

Da andorinha que só não faz verão

[Of a swallow that doesn’t make a summer]

De repente já era primavera

[All of a sudden it was spring already]

Outono de asas mortas

[Autumn of dead wings]

‘Eu queria…’ — melodia interrompida

[“I wanted..” — interrupted melody]

O que eu queria não importa

[What I wanted it doesn’t matter]

Cansei dessa cantoria — Não quis!

[I’m sick of this singing — No more]

Eu não mais queria

[I didn’t want it anymore]

Enfim me descobri

[Then I found myself]

Um quero-quero — **

[A “want-bird” — ]**

Só uma coisa me decidi:

[I realized only one thing:]


[I want…]



Quero-quero porque quero

[I want, so much, ‘cuz I want]

Agarrar com meu bico

[To grab with my beak]

A força da vida

[The stream of life]

Nada nunca vai mudar

[Nothing will ever change]

Mas a vida é como um sopro

[But life is like a blow]

O que importa é o agora

[Now is what matters]

Bato as asas e voo

[I beat my wings and fly…]

Que me importa de morrer?

[What do I care about death?]

  • * “Quero-quero” is a natural bird from South America — in English it’s named Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis). “Quero” is also a form in first person of singular of verb “querer” in Portuguese , that means “to want”. [“Eu quero” = I want]. The name of the bird is used as a word play. (quero-quero = something like “I want — I want”). The meaning ends up lost in translation. {Author’s note}


Nought. None. Nothing. Nil.

Zero. Love.

Oh… I see.


My life is empty

Nothing but emptiness

Craziness meaningless

Nothing but alone

Never having peace

All we’ve got is this land

And we all deserve what we get!

Our both hands

Sadness with no end

In this Godforsaken world…

Help, self-help me

Help, I’m to blind to see

So here is my apology

Under the sea and beyond…

A far cry into the darkness.

I think I died that night.


To Joan Fontaine

Last night, lost weekend

I woke up screaming

A cry in the night…

Life is no bed of roses, Joan.

Pal Joey, hey

The joker is wild, see?!

And wild is the Wind

A dust in the dusk

Long gone… say it to the drones

Thornes — thrones of red roses

Some came running;

I cried for you…

Over the man that got away.

No more aces to play

Or rolling in the hay

The woman “I” — stowaway

Signed, Madame X.

I lost my pink baloon to the sky

But suddenly, it was summer

An Indian one — night in my heart

The color purple, rain

Pink lemonade…

I have a hole in the head, yes.

But my heart is a pocket

Full of miracles;

And in my soul:

Cheshire Cat smiles.



As Summer Dies,

Winter Cries.

As Spring Flies,

Autumn Lies…

Human Ties, here they are.


“When horses die — they breathe;

When grass dies — it dries;

When the suns die — they fade;

When people die — they sing songs.”

Velimir Khlebnikov

(Author’s translation direct from Russian)


A legendary past and an obscure future

He is 25 years old.

The present is a future that never is.

“She got out of nowhere

Only to see that she was heading nowhere

And that the end was death.”


Somewhere in the night

Among all these wonderful and detestable people

Someone, in the last row, is

Having the last laugh

Is it me?


The rain does not fall

It walks…

“For a trancelike moment, I chose my nom de plume

from thin air, dancing on thin ice.”

I miss Sonja Henie.


Fools will be fools

And here I am.

I am I am I am

What if pains

Without an aim…

Is that all that is ?

Long gone… Not done

Staring the writings

Bleeding on the wall

The night bitter

Not feeling any less sour

Colder, older

Gone astray

Done and undone

And then they are gone

Happiness is just a thing called joe, Judy

Or a bowl of cherries, who knows

There’s nothing sadder then a

Gay one-man guy looking for

The men that got away…

And where do we go from here ?

Long nights and days

Those were NOT the days!

A silent sense of content

The same shade of brown

The green intensity of your eyes, oh…

So let up tho, live…

I wanna dance with somebody

Who has love for something

But weren’t the Carpenters who said …

“All you get from love is a love song”…


You are my everything

My every fucking thing

It’s Brighton, Pismo Beach

I don’t give a shit

Don’t talk about Birmingham

It’s over, it’s past november

I’m here again

Don’t know till when

Enjoy while you can

Seeing me existing while I can

The best and the worst that I can be

The Sun, The Mirror, the horror

But anyhow, I just, I mean… Stop it!

It is your own fleeting Glory named Life

Hell yes — Deal with it!


Looking for the light to go on

Or waiting for the light to go on?

Gosh I dunno

Afterglow, afterlife

Beyond the walls of Death

I could go on singing

I could go on living

To the point that means

After life, better than life

The extension of being

Light and heavy, (un)bearable

Larger than life

I am always chasing rainbows

And jellyfish. But I can’t be a sponge.

Life is just an instant

An instant of now

In the end nothing is real

As you might think

But I still have not found

What I am looking for…

Being. Just be “it”.

The ClaraBowless it. Then

Beat it!

The art of being, in a nutshell, is:

Being in spite of. In spite of.


Aloneless or loneliness?

Hopeless lioness

A homesick homeless

Princess or basket case?

A lost case

A lost cause

But it’s good that you fought, you know

Although you have lost

Not the battle, but the war…

Anyway what I’m looking for is


I depress


Lifeless, selfless

Endless, speechless

Heartless — never

I will regress

I’m a mess

In life I trespass

Not Swanson nor Davis

But I digress…

Guess, or else

Possessed ?

Chained and … Love among stars

Princesses, running with

Compasses, beware!

I died in Chelsea

Across a deep blue sea

Just in time for tea

Plea… Plethora

Okay, subpoena, here it is:



Vigil in the night

A far cry…

I can’t make my way out of a shithouse

You’re either too young or too old — always!

So just put your key in my largo and

Find my dark passage.

No, wait, I changed my mind

You’re not Bogie, so



Sly without being coy

Whimsical without being silly

Unique without being nutty

A theatrical personality who was untheatrical

Life is doing what you wanna do

Or trying anyway

You just do what you gotta do

Or trying anyway

Go to parties and talk about nothing?

I don’t happen to — said me, the hermit.

Food, clothes and sex

I can’t live graciously without’em.

Now, the supreme conquest:

To face audiences and to forget them

To see the footlights and not to see them

[The question mark is the lamp that turns on and off

At the same time.]

To garge the reactions of hundreds of people and yet

To throw yourself completely into a role that you are

Oblivious to their reaction.

I am an actor because I didn’t want to be myself

I want to play a thousand lives — the mystery is so importante

I don’t hate people

I just want to be alone… because in life

I walk alone.

Ladies and gentlemen, forget your morning glory –

Your best performance is to be yourself.

(The Curtain rises)

“Acting is standind up naked and turning around very slowly.” (Rosalind Russell)


Backwards in the backyard

Upwards and downwards — an inward sigh.

Feelings towards, for this day forward,

At once





Leave me alone.


By Marina Tsvetaeva

“Is it a sword? A fire?

It’s softer — but oh so loud!

Pain — well-known

As the eyes to the palms

As the lips to

The name of your own child.”


(Author’s translation direct from Russian)


And there I went

With my dark and destructive thoughts…

A song for you, Mr. Hathaway

A song from way back in its past

The kind of song for 3 o’clock in the morning

When you are sitting in a half-empty club

With half-empty glasses, half-full infatuation

Fucking with a Sinatra look-alike

That in the end it’s just a one-night stand…

And off to Broadway I went

With my dark and destructive thoughts…

40 carats — Stage door, autographs, bows, laughs

Wings — don’t bother, those aren’t mine.

So waiting for the lights to go on

From the white casket of my own grief.





I am a Will be

Wouldn’t be

Can it be ?

Let’s not, let’s don’t, don’t let’s

Or… A must be

Shall we?


In seach for pagan hollywood

for a pagan love song;

Profanity, in Singapore:

Kiss the profane blood off my hands,

Sirocco, sirocco…


Alone in a studio

In the solitude of a room

I felt me

It was meant to be

It could be me

I could be me!

I can be me…

I laughed with glee.

At last I feel free

I feel ME.

Perhaps to stir the depths of the imagination

He would say that white lies are recorded in invisible ink

Faded and forgotten by the time we get there…

Till the clouds roll by

Drifting through the sky

I wonder why my love never said



“If I ever bore you, it will be with a knife” Brooksie

To Louise Brooks

“She scared men shitless.”, said someone.

Dying in a cinema, you seen

While her celluloid image and being

Continues to exist up there on the screen

Has always been for me the poetic

Symbol of the permanence of beauty

through the medium of cinema –

Until dancing into oblivion.

Always enigmatically impassive,

Overwhelmingly exists.

Being just an extraordinarily

Beautiful woman who happens to be

In a movie.

The work of art being born by her mere presence.

By her mere breath,

Her long and naked neck.

Whose beauty leads the spectator

To endow her with complexities of

Which she herself was unaware ?

Child like open look

A satanic mirror of all the evil in oneself

Cast in a unique frame of black and alabaster beauty

On the silver screen

It’s all about the neck!

Naked on her goat,

She acts with her neck,

That incomparable neck,

A solitaire through slender curving

An alabaster column;

Oh what the heck –

She twists it in a sudden dynamics

Flash, or bends it to reveal its dynamite ,

Strange and enticing convexity,

And complexity

Very slim and nervously poetic,

with grayish eyes of immense fascination

The final flickering images are unforgettable;

We observe a luminous presence

Cut off in her prime, but in turn are

Struck by the immortalized image,

Chances are…

She is isolated in time, preserved by the art

Of film.

Veni, vidi, vici

*Inspired by many quotations from Barry Paris’ biography on Louise Brooks

All my life is undone. Everything is done.

And forget the world and oneself…

The temptress trespasses


Such passes

Impacts, impasses

Compasses, princes and kings

Gypsies, tramps and thieves

Of an empty kingdom.

In NYC or LA: sunglasses


Princess — princesses


Concepts, collapses

And then forgets…

A man from Nantucket.

It stinks.

“Windmills of the mind

With a sinking feeling…

It must have been what Eve felt

Having been created full grown out of somebody’s rib

Born without a history. That is exactly how I felt.”

“I think life is a little like a message in a bottle

To be carried by the Wind and the Tides”



In his little dining room, just off the salon

The only adornment on the table

It was likely to be an enormous

Hunk of rock Crystal.

We were perfect strangers

Perfect understanding ,

No idea I had an ax to grind.

He was Strong as an ox,

Stubborn as a donkey,

Luckier than anything…

Slightly peculiar

Rather remote

Totally cerebral

He fascinated me.

And the way he spoke was a tapestry…

But it was not meant to be.

Whenever we met afterwards

He greeted me and kissed me

No hard feelings — just a whistling

An old tune, only half remembered…

The loneliest and loveliest eyes I’ve ever seen

Spiritless and dull.

Living inside himself –

Cold as stone.

He was like a Pacific pilot

Always looking to see another dawn…

I will survive, alright

But please don’t ask me why I cry.

“There are only two possibilities for any real order: in art and in religion. All political history is a vile mess, varying only in degrees of vileness from one epoch to another, and only the work of saints and artists gives us any reason to believe that the human race is worth belonging to.”

E.M. Forster

“The voice of the individual artist might seem perhaps of no more consequence than the whirring of a cricket in the grass.”

Katherine Anne Porter

“And the voice you are hearing in this book is the whirring of one much-obliged cricket…”

Rosalind Russell … and me.


A bias:

Well, golly darling,


Yearning yield

Ears and years… No earnings

Satin, satin, satin

Anos de cetim, sonhos de cetim

Passado de cetim passado

Cetim, cetim, cetim

Satin, satin, satin

Lavender satin

Silk stockings

Burnt black satin

Satin goody two-shoes

Positioned at the far end

The colors were muted tones of lavender

Pale blue, silver and gray

He stood in the middle of the room

Looking more like a peer of a palm realm

Than a real person

She was a pixie, not very real actually

You were not paying attention, very matter of factly

And when stepping forward to greet me

I got the feeling he could look through me

Okay so the pianist arrived

Shoot the pianist, Godard!

Goddard, Truffaut, anybody

Anyway her voice, Ethel,

was clear and brilliant

And every word of the world could be heard

In the far reaches of the theater

The cameraman’s powder flashes

Went off like lightning in a bottle,

Making the foyer follies look like a shower

Of meteors inside a tinsel box

Forays, ermines, mink and sables

Dressed to the nines.

Till the end of the night

Many guys were trampled and killed.

I stayed home, through the dusk

with a Peter Pan collar dress

Oblivious and absent-minded

Looking at a Hopper grasshopper.

And that was the-the première

On the day of the locust.


I’m a citizen of nowhere

Looking for nothing

Questioning all things

But just tell me something

Anything else



Margaret Sullavan’s voice

Exquisite and far away,

- almost like an echo -

Tells me again, strange, gay, mysterious –

Like a voice singing in the snow:

“No sad songs for me… Please”.

I was always seeking in the crowd the face of the one who would release me

an echo of my mother and father…


The clock is on the wall (withdraw)

Tik tok tik tok

I am fine, and you? (a basket case)

I am good, thank you!

White walls — indoors

“Am I saying right?”

Repeat, please!

Outside… outsider (I don’t understand)

[I am not hearing you!]

The teacher is broken.

Broken English was spoken.

Tik tok, tik tok, the teacher teaches stitches and remains speechless

Am I saying right

[I am a basket case]

O tempo abala, a bala

Mad mad clockwork, heavy castle

Balalaika, balalaika

O tempo vive, machinery

Louca a badalada — time lives

Leaves and flies

We have to hit the wall

[We go out once, twice

Never three times or more]


[the nature inspires the silence of sleep]

I died a hundred times

I cried a thousand,

a million times (between classes)

[My life is empty]


My life is empty.

Tik tok, tik tok

Homesick, homesick

Of places I don’t even know

I am sick, sick, sick, sick, sick

And tired.

Nobody is home, and I am dead.

[ Hello, Blanche… Hello, Blanche… ]

Broken blossoms para los muertos

And now, class,

The final frame — dictation

Listen and repeat, students:


[Absolute silence]


Snakes and ladders, I am running with scissors;

The rope came from

The sky and the end was never in sight

Insights. Fights.

I was filled with compassion for life down below

However content I was, as ever,

Just a watcher

In a night flight

Through the celestial dome

I can see life

For the bow I thank you –

The unknown stranger from the first row…


For Veronica Lake

A name to remind you

The coolness of a lake

Sexy, slim and aloof

Her hair the best gimmick

Oh please take me back to those days

When I truly meant something to someone

A certain sad sweetness radiates now

from her large soulful eyes — after so many years

Even though the forties are long lost

But not your silver witchcraft

Scorpio eyes rising a gleam

Things in that eyes that I cannot put in words

Vicarious, vivacious — a sun beam

You, the cinematic chimera

I began to feel the sting of impermanence

I ran all the way like John Garfield

It was not Force of Evil.

It was Body and Soul

Not feeling a bit gregarious

This kept me suspended in midair

I am alone on the lonely road

Done with bad pictures

A bit of a misfit,

Indeed –

Living like praying to a God you know doesn’t exist

And with Him dying

And end of the road where waiting for him

And with Him dying

As night drew its curtain of black over everything

Some alley cat in the heat –

Shades of sky ablaze

Long live, short hair

No sweater, no sarong

The peakaboo — whose?

But forever the voice of a whisper:

A kiss of death.

Now it’s only me , myself

No more the coolness of Lake

Drinking itself into oblivion.

They used to think I was a sexy siren

But I am more of a Golden Girl from Miami

Swmming in a blue-violet sky

This is my oasis… between summer stocks.

We are all actors anyway — most bad, only a few good

Feeling good, just good

Never-to-be-explained goodness

That seems so difficult to find these peculiar days

Do you want wings? Come up here.

Give me a glass key and the blue dahlia

And I’ll make you a new Gulliver

No guns or murders…

Just peace.


A five o’clock shadow

We all deserve what we get I guess

No afterlife, no nothing

Death by degrees is the máster

Of finality

From the reality of Earth

To the frozenness of mud

The prismatic and majestic church

Light captured by the fog and backlit

Cool and empty — still

Candles lit -


The door was locked.

Oh Momma of God,

Please let me in!

The sobbing came

I smashed my hand against the walls

Let it come, tears

Mumbled curses

I vomited.

The priest looked out.

Then he walked out.

I went to jail.


Take the U out of Mourning

Then you get right Morning

Even in the evening…

Whatever the weather.

Morning is a state of being;

And the hour is darkest

Just before the dawn.

As a flame burns brightest

Just before it goes out!

We are seeds crossing in the wind

Fighting and never losing


There I sat dry-eyed on the floor in front of the fire

Listening to the sound of voices

Singing and dancing as they were holding mercury

It was beautiful to hear such beauty

Which I had never time for

And we would dream away the hours…

In this our life — like an old Fox musical

An eternal nickelodeon

To make a living only kidding and playing games

While drinking pink champagne

That’s the real life, I suppose.

The artists are gone but not forgotten

Shining in a sky with more stars than Old MGM

That’s the art of film:

To give emotion to the motion.


(Deep as the sea — ENGLISH TRANSLATION)

Danúbio azul profundo

[Deep Blue Danube]

Profundo como o mar

[Deep as the sea]

Amor maior que o mundo

[Love — bigger than the world]

Faz-me livre para voar!

[Make me free to fly!]

Mar sagrado templo

[Sacred sea temple]

Esplendoroso e régio

[Splendid and regal]

É a esfinge que contemplo

[It is the sphinx that I comtemplate]

Cheia de sortilégio

[Full of sorceries and spells]

Maremoto em mim goteja

[Tsunami drips over me]

Diamante — lantejoulas a brilhar

[Diamond — glittering sequins]

Rachadura na gruta lateja

[The crack in the cave throbs]

Corações — solitários a cintilar

[Hearts — sparkling solitaires]

Eu queria com as mãos tocar

[I wanted to touch with my hands]

O fundo do mundo

[The bottom of the world]

O mais profundo e vivo que há –

[The deepest and liveliest there is — ]

Profundo como o mar

[Deep as the sea]

Mundo afora, aqui e agora:

[Worldwide, here and now:]

Decifra-me ou me afoga!

[Decipher me or drown me!]

Assim na Terra como no Céu,

[On Earth as It Is in Heaven]

Assim no Mar como no Ar.

[On the Sea as It is in the Air]

À deriva, em mar aberto

[Drifting in the open sea]

Ferida a céu aberto, fico alerta:

[Floating with open wounds, beware:]

Nas profundezas do mar sem fim

[In the deep end of the ocean]

Há infinita descoberta…

[There is endless discovery]

Esvaziada a clepsidra

[The clepsidra is empty]

Não morro, mas me afogo de amar

[I won’t die, but I’m drowning in love]

Com a paixão dos suicidas,

[With the passion of suicides]

Que se matam no mar

[Who kill themselves in the sea]

Entregue à própria sorte

[On my very own, I know]

Mais forte que a morte

[Stronger than death]

Sobre mim certeza escorre:

[Certainly oozes over me]

De amor também se morre.

[One also dies from love]

Desvario de Ismália**,

[Ophelia** throws herself off]

Meu coração flambava, voo de Ícaro

[My heart on fire, Icarus flying]

Eu chorava… Meu par de asas se retalha

[I was crying… My pair of wings split]

Num destino pícaro

[In a picaresque fate]

Amo tanto que nem sei –

[I love so much that I don’t even know — ]

Me afoguei

[I drowned]

Deus sabe o quanto amei –

[God only knows how much I loved — who?]


[I sank.]

As ondas quebram na praia

[The waves break on the beach]

E no calor da enseada

[And in the heat by the sea]

boia o corpo de uma raia

[The body of a streak floats]

que foi um dia ensolarada

[That once was sunny and gay]

Do mar eu sempre teria

[From the sea I would always have]

Apenas uma nesga

[Just a gore]

Meu coração se contorcia

[My heart then contorted]

Numa água viva de tristezas

[In a jellyfish of sadness — living, dark, deep waters]

O mar me bebeu

[The sea drank me]

E junto um descobrimento:

[And along, a discovery]

O mar será meu túmulo

[The sea will be my grave]

Mas não é o fim — é um renascimento.

[But no ends — it’s a rebirth]

Corsário, coração tropical

[Corsair, tropical heart]

Partirá esse gelo — e irá !

[That ice will break — and go!]

Profundo como o mar

[Deep as the sea]

Profundo como o mar

[Deep as the sea]

Pássaro místico azul

[Blue mystical bird]

Infinito como o mar

[Infinite like the sea]

É meu diamante bruto

[You are my diamond in the rough]

Que pra sempre há de brilhar

[That will forever shine]

No fundo do mar.

[At the bottom of the sea]


(Zodiac — English Translation)

No calor dos Trópicos, sob o signo de Áries, ei-me.

[In the heat of the Tropics, under the sign of Aries, here I am]

O Sol de Marte ataca, ata-me, desvenda-me

[The Mars Sun attacks, binds me, unravels me]

Numa chuva de música e fogo.

[In a rain of music and fire.]

Escorpião, suas garras cravam-se em mim, prendendo o coração

[Scorpio(n), whose claws spike me, holding my heart]

num buquê de jasmim, criando este profundo medalhão:

[Attached to a jasmines bouquet, a profound medallion:]

Um maldito e vingativo aguilhão — de redenção.

[A cursed and vengeful sting — of redemption.]

Meus pensamentos são Gêmeos de mil olhos, sem nenhum rosto

[My thoughts are Twins — Gemini — thousand eyes, faceless]

Minhas emoções: retrógradas, avessas e sem eixo

[My emotions: retrograde, inside out and without axis]

Minha Lua não chora: ela sente, senta e pensa.

[My Moon does not cry: it feels, sits and thinks.]

Sou filho bastardo de Mercúrio com Netuno

[I’m a bastard son of Mercury with Neptune]

Nunca ajo, apenas penso, e quando faço, não penso

[I never act, I just think, and when I do, I don’t think]

Eu não falo — eu vomito, eu despejo!

[I don’t speak — I throw up, I dump!]

Marte em Leão, Vênus em Peixes

[Mars in Leo, Venus in Pisces]

Carinho e entusiasmo, sou a greta e sou o garbo

[Affection and enthusiasm, I am greta and I am garbo]

Sou a fera e a ferida, mais Virgem que carneiro.

[I am the beast and the wound, more Virgo than ram.]

E quando eu amo um homem, com o sonho do entregar

[And when I love a man, with the dream of giving myself]

Eu procuro um pai e um deus. Mas sonho não é amor. Um dia,

[I am looking for a father and a god. But a dream is not love. One day,]

vou deixar de amar o que vejo, para acreditar no que não vejo.

[I will stop loving what I see, to believe in what I don’t see.]

A lua negra um fauno triste e solitário ilumina

[The black moon — a sad and lonely faun illuminates it]

Sedento de conhecimento a preenche-lo –

[Thirsty for knowledge to fill it — ]

Júpiter, você é Lúcifer, ardendo sem se ver…

[Jupiter, you are Lucifer, burning in the nude …]

À beira do penhasco, Capricórnio, nós dois temos chifres.

[At the edge of the cliff, Capricorn, we both have horns.]

Eu te odeio, mas eu te amo!

[I hate you, but I love you!]

Mas eu te odeio! como eu amo o próprio Nada…

[But I hate you! as I love Nothing itself …]

Rios de Peixes, gelados, profundezas abissais do imaginário

[Pisces Rivers, ice cream, abyssal depths of the imaginary]

Continuem, peixes, a nadar sobre os anéis de Saturno congelado

[Keep going, fish, to swim on the frozen rings of Saturn]

Entre pedros pedregulhos de sonho e de loucura

[Between pedros, pebbles, boulders of dreams and madness]

Urano, meu Planeta da Utopia, coberto de opalas

[Uranus, my Utopian Planet, covered in opals]

Toda abstração um dia quebrará o vidro do verão neste aquário

[Every abstraction will one day break the summer glass in this aquarium]

Uma nova era de Aquarius, pode entrar!

[A new age of Aquarius, please come in!]

Plutão explode o pus das minhas feridas

[Pluto blows the pus out of my wounds]

Inferno de gelo num coração tropicalista

[Icy hell inside a tropicalist heart]

Escorpião, degelo, meu veneno é feroz e imortal.

[Scorpio-n, thaw, my poison is fierce and immortal.]

Culpar os astros é engraçado, mas além da cúspide

[Blaming the signs is funny, but beyond the cusp]

Ainda hei d’através deste mapa sem tesouro

[I still have this map without a treasure — and I will]

Desvendar o Câncer que eu (não) sou. Seja então…

[Unravel the Cancer that I am (not). Be then …]

Casas vazias: o leão enrustido procura a ti — ó elo da intuição e da razão

[Empty houses: the enclosed lion seeks you — Leo — the link between intuition and reason]

Ausente de terra e de balança: sou só um equilíbrio delicado

[Libra, my complementary opposite — absent from earth and scale: I’m just a delicate balance]

No fundo do céu a querer deixar minha marca — fora do meu rosto.

[Deep in the sky wanting to leave my mark — out of my face.]

Autoconhecimento: eu me amo e me odeio

[Self-knowledge: I love and hate myself]

E me amo e te amo, dando a cara a tapa ao universo

[And I love myself and I love you, turning both cheeks to the universe]

Eu me amo, mas sou humano, e não quero ser um mito.

[I love myself, but I’m human, and I don’t want to be a myth.]

Quero tocar o outro não com garras, mas mãos, cheias de poeira cósmica

[I want to touch the other, not with claws, but with hands, both full of cosmic dust]

e que o mesmo outro desvende meu mistério atrás de um riso sério:

[and that the same other unravels my mystery behind a serious laugh:]

Claro, alto, e nu como a lua.

[Clear, tall, and naked as the moon.]



“An outcast from Taubaté”, he would say himself. (Taubaté is a city from São Paulo, Brazil).

Pedro Ferreira Dantas (São Paulo, Brazil; April 5, 1995) is a Brazilian writer, poet and English teacher. He also teaches Foreign Languages, such as Russian, and his native language: Portuguese. He graduated from University of São Paulo, in Brazil. His degree is in Literature, Linguistics and Languages (major in Russian — language, literature, theatre and culture).

Besides writing and teaching, Mr. Dantas is a classic movie addict, plus an avid collector of DVDs, cinema books, biographies, general movie memorabilia and autographs. He has a channel on Youtube (simply “Pedro Dantas”) that grows more each day — sharing rare Hollywood motion pictures and languages classes as well. He aspires to become a filmmaker one day.

Pedro lives in Lisbon, Portugal.

ANOTHER BOOKS FROM PEDRO DANTAS (in Portuguese**) — all available at

Deep as the sea (original title : PROFUNDO COMO O MAR) — poetry [paperbook only available at]

The Nighthawk (original O GAVIÃO DA NOITE) — poetry

The Aries Arrow (original A FLECHA DE ÁRIES) — poetry

Adamant — (original ADAMANTE) — poetry

He skipped classes and went to the movies (original MATOU A AULA E FOI AO CINEMA) — a novel

**The reader must search for the titles using the Portuguese names of the books. They are not translated into English yet. More news to come.

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Pedro Dantas
Pedro Dantas

Written by Pedro Dantas

Writer, English/Russian teacher, Art enthusiast, Film lover. Escritor, professor, entusiasta. Brasil - Portugal

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